Sunday 11 November 2012

Welcome to view our portfolio!

Group Wolverine Portfolio

Group Members:
Brittni Dieno
Hilla Hoskonen
Kayla Moore
Josh Szalay

November 20, 2012
Buad 262
R. Sawatzky

Table of Contents


The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate the changing place of work. An analysis of cartoons, Canadian companies, films, television programs, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and personal experiences will demonstrate changes in the workplace and the impact of these changes. Themes such as stress, mentoring, communication, conflict, gender issues, power, workplace values, motivation, and job satisfaction are present throughout this blog. These themes exhibit a change in businesses in both a positive and negative way.


This blog has provided key analysis of the changing work place. Work place change has an effect many parties. Several forms of media on this blog have shown illustrations and examples of change in an organization and its positive and negative effects on stakeholders.