Team Wolverine skills summary

 How we thrive in the workplace

As business students at Okanagan College, we have all taken the StrengthsQuest test which allows us to discover, develop and apply our talents for academic, personal, and career success. StrengthsQuest gives students and educators the opportunity to develop strengths by building on their greatest talents -- the way in which they most naturally think, feel, and behave as unique individuals. Each of our group members’possess unique skills necessary to adapt and thrive in the workplace of today. Here is each of our top three strengths.


My strengths quests were extremely accurate to my personality and the way that I am. My number one was woo, which just means that I am a person who is able to convince and woo people. I am a personable person who is able to get people to like me and my personality. The second one was an activator. This just means that I am the one who will drive what is happening and make the decisions as a leader because ultimately I want to achieve the best result. I will make sure that everyone is on task and is on the right path to get to our goal grade. I am also command, meaning that I can take control of a situation and make sure that the work gets done. This is particularly important in group projects because I am the one who is taking command of the situation and making sure the work is on time and gets done. Competition was the fourth one, which means that I am ready to take on tasks that involve healthy competition and personal growth. The fifth one is responsibility. I am very responsible when it comes to making plans and keeping it. I know that making a plan is something that I am particularly good at.


My three first strengths according to the StrengthsQuest are Harmony, Empathy and Communication.

Harmony is definitely the most me out of all my strengths. I can draw people together and I emphasize the importance of getting along. Friendly way of working is important to me, and that will be my strengths in the work place, too. I will sense if someone starts to feel angry or upset and I am able to then use my skills to avoid the possible conflict from escalading. In today’s workplace it is important to look for consensus in many situations, and that is what I do naturally.
Empathy theme tells that I usually know when is a good time to listen and to speak. I am a caring, responsive and concerned person who finds strengths in every individual. I have a gift of coming along with everyone even though they weren’t my best friends. I can see that people think differently about this world and also behave differently. In the workplace I feel I have an eye for social interactions and different situations.

It is evident that I like holding presentations (to some extent) because my third strength is communication. I feel that I can explain something to people if they didn’t yet understand it. I am also outgoing and open in my communication, and usually I am the one who speaks among the first people in a group. This skill makes me thrive in workplace because I rarely stay quiet with nothing to say, no ideas or no opinions. I have a talent of putting thoughts to words. This also links to positivity – I don’t only communicate when I have something serious to say but sometimes I also like to amuse people around me and put them in good mood. (Strengthsquest, 2012)


My top three strengths have been identified as achiever, positivity, and significance.
Achiever describes a constant need for achievement. I have an internal fire burning inside which pushes me to do more, to achieve more. It brings the energy necessary to work long hours without burning out. As an achiever I define the levels of productivity for work group. A day is not beneficial if I don’t get something done. This will be beneficial in the workplace and it illustrates my self-motivation which is a common preferred quality on job postings and my desire to succeed.

With positivity as a top strength my enthusiasm is contagious. I have the ability to make tasks more exciting and more vital. I believe that work can be fun, and that no matter what the setbacks are, one must never lose one’s sense of humor. This makes me a fun person to work with as I don’t like to focus on the negative. This strength is often clear when I first meet people (such as at an interview) as my personality comes across as personable and outgoing.

My significance strength highlights my need to be recognized, heard, and to stand out. This tied into my achiever pushes me to do my best in order to be appreciated for the unique strengths I bring. Life is filled with goals, achievements, or qualifications that I long to have. The significance theme will keep pulling me upward, away from the mediocre toward the exceptional. This in turn makes me a leader in numerous situations. (Strengthsquest, 2010)


When reviewing my strengths quest assessment I find that some of my top strengths include maximize, Focus, and Achiever.When referencing the definitions of these I find these very descriptively explain my strengths.

According to StrengthsQuest a “maximizer” is a person who seek to transform something strong into something superb. They also use this strength to stimulate personal and group excellence. This strength strongly represents who I am. I am always looking to maximize potential. When I am given opportunities in business I will rarely not peruse them. I am always in search of the next opportunity that will allow me to advance in my business and personal life.
StrengthsQuest claims the strength “Achiver” to be someone who has a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive. Many aspects of this strength describe me well. I am always setting goals of achievement; It’s what drives me and keeps me motivated. As an achiever I am rarely taking breaks and when I am I feel as if I should be doing something more productive. This strength allows me to maintain motivation where many would lack. It allows me to put in extra work and accomplish much more then I would without this strength.
My final strength is “Ideation”. Ideation are people who are especially talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena. I am constantly fascinated with ideas. I enjoy brainstorming new business ideas and ways to grow a business. Ideation is one of my most enjoyable strengths as it allows me to create a abundance of new ideas and use my other strengths to pursue them.

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